A pharaoh means ‘Great House’, a reference to the palace in which a ruler, king, or Queen resides. Over time the Egyptian rulers took on the name ‘Pharaoh’


A pharaoh means ‘Great House’, referring to the palace where a ruler, king, or Queen resides. Over time, Egyptian rulers took on the name ‘Pharaoh.’

I use this term to signify the male aspect in relation to a Goddess who is prepared to go deeper into being in alignment with their Soul Purpose. A Pharaoh can also be considered the God/Goddess or Godliness within.

2024 heralds a new aspect of male/female innate truth in alignment with the connection of who you perceive your essence to be.

I invite you to step into your knowledge of the connections of the mind and body and be more intimate with your soul light.

My fully mentored program for a Pharaoh takes you on a personal journey to allow you to release old thoughts or programming that does not serve you.  Appropriate Self-Expression stimulates being open to change and Self-Acceptance. Dive into a new way of healing to find Self-Validation and Inner Peace. We connect weekly by Facetime, phone, or Zoom to review the lessons. A daily video and a worksheet are emailed to you to journal and complete.

For more information or to connect, please call +64212753787 or email connect@jocelynoades.com


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